Please enter 1 name for your Folder, it will also be the name of your HTML File: (No Spaces and No Special Characters)
Welcome to singles. Your Folder and File are named: everyone
This message will disappear after the first edit, but remain in the page source code, the display will be set to none and it will remain in the EditPage container and is after the / in the URL Address Bar.
Here you will be able to add your Javascript code to your JSON files, the code entries will be loaded directly into the LoadPage() function that is called from the onload() of the Body.
Depending on Browser: ~2,000 character maximum.
Please, APPEND NEW ELEMENTS TO (div id="Page")
When you submit, your code will be added to a JSON file, and loaded sequentially.
If you create a function, call your function.
Please provide an index number for your function: 0 - 9 (no other numbers)
Please provide your Javascript code, and please use single quotes and no hex, or I won't get the right text. Example: document.getElementById('EditPage').style.color = 'blue';
I will encode the text, then decode it to use it in the back end.